Saturday, May 24, 2008

poor sick bubba :(

My poor little one has his first virus. I guess 7 months is pretty good given he has older buggy siblings but still not nice. Seems a little better today so hopefully it's getting towards the end. No fever which is odd for my kids, they seem to always get high fevers and burn off all their viruses.
Has gotten me re thinking about vaccinations. So far we have delayed Atti's with a plan to give them later. Seeing as his immune system is being challenged maybe it's ready for vax's? Another thing that has really gotten me rethinking is we were around a tiiiny bubba on Thursday night...I would hate to think Atti might pass on a potentially vaxable disease to baby too little to have been vaxed himself...So anyway, found a GP who didn't call the police when I told her Atti wasn't vaxed and think we *might* think about it....The most confusing thing ever! Or maybe homeopathics, lol! Really no decision made at all..

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