Saturday, May 10, 2008

On the floor again....

*sigh* it was nice while it lasted! Whilst heavily pregnant with the littlest monster we finally bought a bed base for our king family bed. This was after the poor middle child fell off the top of the mattress a few times as there was a gap with the bed in front of an unused sliding door, and me having a heart attack worried I'd find a newborn in the same circumstance. It was lovely, I felt like a real adult, lol! But the time has come. The young man has rolled out of my side of the bed once and is now as of last night able to roll over and climb out of his hammock (we have moved so the falling off the top of the mattress is no longer a possibility). Sadly our lovely leather bed base was packed away in the garage and we are back to sleeping like uni students. The hammock has gone into retirement (time will tell if it ever gets a reprieve!) and the littlest monster is on the cot mattress on the floor next to our bed. There are of course positives, I can now lay with him to feed to sleep and then just leave him there. Buuuuut I miss my 'big girl' bed!

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