Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's HOT!

Feeling a bit silly. It really doesn't get anywhere near as hot here as it does in Adelaide but we're all wilting this summer. I think the much higher humidity does make a big difference and the fact we only have airconditioning in my room isn't helping. BUT we have a pool. Oh my there is nothing better than running up there when we're super hot and sweaty and it is the best mood improver we have in summer. As I sit in our room with all the kids having a rest, we're already planning to get in the pool super soon! I may or may not be also pricing (and dreaming of) airconditioning for next summer....

Monday, January 7, 2013


So this year is going to be about me. Well just a little bit, my kids are just up there because they're awesome. There's a few things going on but one of them is about me getting fit. If I'm honest with myself I probably haven't been fit since kindergarten. I don't really like exercising and getting sweaty, I'm a libran princess after all. But I like the idea of being fit and I want to be happier with my body. I'm past (mostly) the whole I need to lose half my body weight rubbish but I want to run with my kids and set them a good example. Anyway... I've been watching Kate and others on twitter and facebook make it look mildly interesting and decided to jump in for the new year. So far so good too! I'm on week two of the 'ease into 5km' app which seems to be about doing bursts of running and walking with more running and less walking as the sessions go on. I'm not looking too far ahead so I don't get freaked out ;) Husband is doing it too, I'm sure he'll streak ahead of me soon but whatever, right?! It's only 3 times a week so hopefully, something I can keep up :)

blogging bug

It's been so long since I've posted but I still find myself thinking of things to blog, years down the track... I'd really like to make a more concerted effort to blog again, it's been lovely reading back on my posts to see what happened when! Life is so different now but still the same in lots of ways... different location (Brisbane residents now) and an extra child but similar issues and the same amazing husband... Anyway not in a mood for a recap so will start again from here.