Monday, May 12, 2008

birth stories

I was lucky enough to attend birth stories night through the homebirth network last night. It was lovely, lots of people sitting in a big circle on cushions telling their stories by candlelight. So nice to see so many people! There were a few couples there expecting their first babies and it was heart warming to know that the stories they were hearing of birth were positive and beautiful rather than the negativity they would be getting in mainstream circles. I was more than a little jealous that they were going to have beautiful births with their first babies, unlike me (a beautiful birth after one ok and one decidedly average!). Sad that so many women only look further into birthing after bad experiences... I love birth stories, telling mine and listening to others.
Anyway. I told my story of Atticus's birth and I really want to write it down. I started a few months ago but only got to where I went into labour, lol! Must really get to that.... The little monster used that time to crawl around the circle as if to show himself off as the product of the story :P Then boobed to sleep and spent the rest of the night asleep on the beanbag.
Was great to catch up with my midwife, the amazing Wendy :) And see my lovely friend Tammy who is uber close to bringing her baby girl earthside. Can't wait to meet her, although I'm sure the three big brothers are even more impatient!

Right... on to that birth story. Might put the other 2 on here too..

Oh my birth photos are available on request to those who would like to see them, I'm proud and all but just not ready to share them with any lurking strangers :P

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