Working in paedatrics and NICU, I have seen a huge variety of different names people give their children. Countless called Emily and Joshua, lots of lovely names and quite a few odd ones. I am hardly one to criticise names, my children all have different names that you won't find in the top 100 lists but there are a few that are just cruel. There are so many beautiful names out there, loads I wouldn't call my children but that's good too, I wanted my kids to be different :) I got to thinking about this on the weekend after work and there being a couple of children there with what I think are just cruel names.
Whyyyyy do people make up names to give their children?? There are thousands upon thousands to choose from so why on earth would you call your little girl Blaze?? It's a descriptive word, a particularly big fire. Not the name of a tiny baby. Gawd surely even Emily is better than that?! (no offence to any Emily's out there, you've got to admit it's an awfully common name). It gets worse. I even prefer blaze over this doozy.... Equine. Seriously. WTF??? Like the parents who see a word written down and using their own pronunciation think it sounds like a great name and go with it. Did they not ask the advice of anyone else. Were people just dishonest and said 'oh um.. yeah that's lovely I guess..' Surely not. Poor baby!
THINK people!
To my friends of which many have just have new babies and are probably thinking I am the most judgemental bitch and wondering what I think of their choices... I love them all, not that you were really worried about what I thought :P
Childcare update: Seems like all will be ok as predicted. The centre seems nice, we can afford it and the kids seemed to like it. A couple of practices over the next few weeks and we start for real next month.
Equine - a name? OMG they must have been horsing around seriously!!! that is the shame of Aussie naming law that you can call your child anything. There is nothing like that possible in Switzerland, the naming rules are quite tough....poor child!
Blaze is not much better either, you are right - and just so you know it, I like Emily!!! but yeah very common... LOL
Glad you clarified you're OK with the recent choices your friends have made... I was really worried about your opinion LOL
Luckily we didn't have a girl after all and you don't have to put up with Leticia!
Ah but Leticia is not a made up name so even though I wouldn't use it, it passes my naming rules :P
I actually like Emily too Mirjam :)
Equine? Seriously? I read that and think of horses... which reminds me of that horse flu that's not long passed. Poor kid.
I *ducks* don't mind Blaze for a name, but NOT for a girl. And I should clarify that I don't mind the 'name', not sure I'd use it though LOL.
Speaking of stupid names - anyone follow that story of the NZ couple that wanted to name their son '4Real' - yes with a number four in it?! I mean really...
Hey Sam, does Savannah pass your naming rules? *holds breath*
LOL Mel, I *think* so? It's a name in the book I'm pretty sure :P I actually like Savannah, but I can't pronounce it properly with my Adelaide accent, I say Savaaaaahrna and try as I might I keep forgetting it's Savannah. Gee it's hard to explain pronounciation in text, pmsl! That probably makes no sense!
But Blaze :O Well you're on your own there :P
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