Monday, May 26, 2008


So I finally rang our local community child care centre here. Feeling pretty confident so far after getting good vibes off the woman on the phone. Apparently they will rock my baby to sleep and he'll have the same carer everytime and it's not an issue to be giving him expressed breastmilk. And the big monsters will be in the same room which would suit my shy big boy. Still, it's $50 a day per kid. So for one day a week I'll be paying $300 a fortnight. I know I can get some back from the ccb but hmmm...... Well at least I didn't cry on the phone to the woman, there were a few hairy moments asking if they will rock my boy to sleep but I got through it with dry eyes so a good start. Off to actually look at it tomorrow.
Was discussing it with Mark before, this centre is open from 6am until 6pm and takes babies from 8 weeks. So conceivably a 2 month old baby could be without it's mother 12 hours a day 5 days a week :( What on earth is wrong with this country that that can be allowed to happen?????? Will be watching the investigation into paid maternity leave with earnest, really hoping the world is a different place by the time my daughter is having babies and that she won't have to leave her 7 month oldwith strangers to go to work :( Thank goodness it'll only be one day a week I guess.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Oh Sam, why didn't we live closer? I'd look after bubba for you - I'd sling him and rock him and he could play with Savannah all day!

I've hated child care centers ever since I worked in one. The one I was at took babies from SIX, yes 6!! weeks old. I never judge the parents, everyone's different, but geez it just broke my heart for the babies, especially with what I've learned since having Savannah...