Oh how infuriating!! I just wrote a massive post and lost the lot. No idea how!
Anyhow...it's about chocolate. More specifically chocolate that has been produced with slave labour. I first found out about this issue a few years ago with posts in a forum I go to with posts from a friend I had in Canberra Whilst concerned about it at the time, I made lots of poor excuses to myself as to why I couldn't do anything about it and continued to eat a tonne of baaad chocolate. Have been thinking about it a lot more lately, not sure why, maybe because we are making a few more changes.... And when eating some organic chocolate with a friend last week realised it'd been well over a week since I'd eaten non fair trade. If I could go that long on a bad coping week, surely I could in fact survive without it??
Now I am under no illusion that my little protest is going to make cadbury's quiver in their boots. In fact I am well aware that it'll make not one iota of difference really. There are other reasons for this decision, firstly what am I teaching my children? That it's ok to consume something purely for pleasure for which others (some likely to be as young as them!) are suffering for. In fact, some are DYING for! Seems a tad selfish don't you think?
SO...I will no longer eat chocolate that has been produced with slave labour. I don't think everyone I know should join me (although you are welcome to :P ) but hope that my friends and family support me by not purchasing any for our family.
Links for those interested...
There are many more gory sites but I am not great with stuff like that and those sites are enough for me.
More on it later...need to cook dinner and still cranky about the massive post I lost!
Well done :)
I have a great organic chocolate ice cream recipe I can share with you when you need it ;-)
ooh share away!!!
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