Monday, November 15, 2010


I am listening as I type to the debate on the proposed same sex marriage legislation change. To be frank, I find it pretty embarrassing that in 2010 this actually needs to be debated. WHY DO YOU CARE??? I just don't get it. You don't agree with same sex marriage then don't marry someone of the same sex as you. What anyone else does is the business of those involved any no one else. Quite surprised by the support in parliament tbh, gives me a bit of hope.

In other news... we pulled some vegies today, we got 4 carrots, 2 parsnips and a tonne (well not quite) or potatoes. The kids ate the carrots with the tops still on, washed thankfully!
And I took the younger three today to an EC talk at natures cradle this morning. Not sure I learned anything I didn't know but  good refresher and we'll give it a bit of a go. I've caught a few wees and poos n the last few days which keeps me going. I must say my commitment is pretty low to this, I just don't have the time to put a huge effort in but F likes nappy free time so will keep that going anyway while he likes it. I suspect he'll be on the move sooner rather than later, he rolled back to front for the first time today and is starting to already pull up on his knees.... This could get messy, lol!

I tried today to put into practice some of the stuff from that blog today. Funnily enough the change was pretty instant not with my big boy as I thought but with my tempestuous yet dear daughter who is particularly testing us at the moment. I had a wonderful morning with her this morning. She did lose the plot this afternoon but she doesn't cope with hunger, tiredness or anything like that and she was great this morning. Will try again tomorrow, perhaps with a sandwich in my pocket rofl!!

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