Monday, June 2, 2008

teeth and other stuff

The little guy finally has some :D Two bottom teeth finally broke the gum Saturday morning after weeks of threatening. Nothing to really see yet, I can feel them on my nipple though when the little toad bites! Will take photos when they actually show though. Little teeth are so cute but I'll miss my gummy boy too.

We got a call from the local waldorf school asking if we still want Jasper's place! It was a missed call on Mark's mobile so I'll have to talk to them but so exciting that it's coming up soon. My big monster had a great day at 4 year old kinder today, he goes to a waldorf one in a house, perfect for his sometimes anxious personality (wonder where he got that from???!!! and I don't mean me :P). Apparently he got talked into playing Mummies and Daddies with a little girl there, lol! It was ok he said since the Daddy just goes to work anyway. Hmm.... his future partner won't thank us for that assumption! The theme continued after we got home this afternoon. He was very worried about Buzz lightening (yes a great waldorf toy grr.. ) after he fell from the pram and recognised that he would need booby to fix him up, hence he got thrown over to the princess. Very cute :) She refused, patted him on the head and said 'you are ok Buzz!' hahaha!

The princess and I had a great day too, we walked to the shop so I had some exercise to tell calorie king about which was good. She threw a few wobblies for juice which meant a few rushed trips to the toilet and one squat at a tree. She is such a lady :P

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