Thursday, June 5, 2008


Argh, blogger is not liking me this morning!! I just lost another post....

Anyway, we have chooks! Mark finished the chook pen on Sunday so we drove to birdwood to visit the bird lady. We got 4 ummm brown chickens? (sorry Peter that's as descriptive as I get :P ) for $15 each. They are between 6-6.5 months old and apparently just coming on to laying although she warned us they might take a few weeks to restart after the trauma of becoming part of our family, lol! So far nothing but they are scratching up a storm which is what we bought them for really. The kids love them after some hairy moment coming home. Jasper was a liiiittle freaked out by the scratching in the boot (they were in a box, not freeranging in the boot or anything :P). The stupid dalmatian has barely made it out of the carport, as soon as he comes out he rounds around the pen barking madly and pulling at the wire. He actually broke through the wire yesterday so not sure what we are going to do with him!

Yesterday was an awful day, still thick fog at midday still. After spending the day inside I threw the kids out at about 2pm, they were going insane! Finally took some photos...

Yes in the last one you can see my little guy is standing without holding on, has his balance quite sorted now. Cruising the furniture and walking from chair to table...won't be long and he'll be taking his first steps! Yes he is 7 months old, insane!
In fact as I type he is trying to open the shower door where the big monsters are showering and getting mightily cranky that they won't let him in (fully clothed, I'm quite happy with their refusal!


Anonymous said...

All i can say is WOW WOW and WOW to your little treasure taking off already. I hope that not all third children are like that.....
Tell me is it really that cold that you need a snow suit!! :P

Love the chooks and the chook pen - do you think they would live on a balcony? haha

Richard said...

See, just goes to show how positive attachment parenting can be - Savannah is 7.5 months and using the highchair and stool to cruise around the house!

Anonymous said...

Welcome chookies!
Gee, the littlest one is growing up at a rate of knots!

Sam said...

Yes Mirjam it is :P Was probably about 8 degrees here that day! Not Switzerland cold but cold enough for us. He had a fleece tracksuit under it too, lol!

So true Mel! Flies in the face of the 'he'll never walk if you carry him all the time' comments!

Anonymous said...

I reckon they're Rhode Island Reds. Can't wait to meet them. Do they have names yet?!

Michelle thinks they look scary.

Have you earmarked one for the housewarming dinner ;-)

Sam said...

Haha, that sounds familiar. They have been asking after you too :P So far we have Tiffany and Collette, haven't thought of any other good ones.
Still not laying so you can cook one up Saturday night as a warning to the rest of them!
Even I'm not scared of them Michelle :P