So... the news in short....
Very sadly we decided the week before last to re-home our lovely (although simple :P) Dalmatian, George. It was a very hard decision although something we have been considering for several years. We just don't have the time to give him and being a large friendly dog he needed lots of playing and exercise. We actually paid about $400 a few years back to get the bark busters guy out and it did help his behaviour but he was still bored. And with his huge interest in destroying the chicken coop he was spending 23 hours a day locked in a carport. So after lots of tears we decided to find him another home. The family that have taken him plan to take him camping and have him sleep on their bed so I know he will be much happier. Although apparently he dug up all their pot plants so he hasn't changed! We miss him but I am totally sure we made the right decision.
This was the photo I took to send to the family that took him. It all happened very quickly and he was gone when I got back from work that night :(
Next night Saturday was our housewarming get together :) We had a lovely time and our house was thoroughly warmed! Big thankyou to all my friends for making the trek up to freezing Mount Barker and not all leaving after my lovely daughter started vomiting, lol! It was also Michelle's 30th the day before so we all had yummy cake :)

We got up the next morning to find that one of our chooks had died :( No idea what happened, a guess is that she choked to death on the out of date cashews we gave them the night before, lol! A friend joked that had we known the night before we had a dead chook stuffed with cashews we could have chucked her on the fire :P After much debate Mark finally sought the advice of our friend Peter and the chook made her way onto the compost. Turned out great timing George had moved on, could have been quite messy!
Here are the sad leftover chooks (frankly they didn't seem to give a shit, hahaha!) and the dead chooks final resting place...

Same day, Mark showing the safest way to prune the apple tree... The big monster watched on with great interest..just waiting for him to try!

Backdating a bit to Saturday night and the princess's 'bomit' as she'd say... Didn't think she was that well when she had a day sleep late in the afternoon and was then mega clingy despite having friend's there. The little guy also slept for 3 hours!! in a row!! which was unprecedented! Anyway, next morning they both had high fevers so I called in sick and spend the day boobing. The little guy's fever was over 40 degrees for 2 days and as bit worrying. Pretty sure they both just had a virus, the princess was better Monday although lethargic and the little one's fever finally broke Tuesday morning with no other symptoms. Had to go to the GP for certificates for both of us for work resulting in no answers but of course a dig about their unvaccinated status. All fine now but was awful to see them unwell..

Rest of the week quite uneventful thankfully!
We spend today marking the winter solstice and planted some seeds and planted out our potted chilli to 'welcome back the sun'. Our big monster wanted to yell out 'come back sun!!' although suggested he didn't need to yell, it might just be what confirms to the neighbours we are in fact all nuts :P We had a yummy roast lamb from one of Dad's flock that we put on too late so the kids missed it and ate cheese sandwiches. They did get to eat some cake they helped bake with ice cream.
That is about it!! Good thinks coming, MIL arrives in a couple of weeks for a months visit for the princess's 3rd birthday. And Mark is going to work from home for a few weeks from July 1 so big savings on petrol and sleep ins for me, woohoo!! Mum is probably hanging out for both so she gets break from baby sitting duty :P
Happy winter solstice to all :)
oh your babies look so sad
but on a happier note...
happy birthday to me!!
what a week you had, glad that things are looking up now.
Poor George (and you), poor kids, look how fevery Atti looks and poor you having to stay strong for them all.
and yes Happy Birthday Michelle!
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