Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oh boy have I been slack!

Can't believe I've left it this long! Will try to summerise the big points :P
  • We got a kitten! Miss Olivia is a lovely tabby cat of whom I have no photo, lol! She has slotted right in and likes to sleep in the little two kids. They are not so sure on co sleeping with her but luckily she's decided Nana is ok lately. Oh and she's decided she prefers to poo in the neighbours cat litter, pmsl!! Poor guy, his cat never uses it, it's there for emergencies but she likes their place and hangs about inside all the time..and poos there! Works for us :P
  • Mark had almost 3 months working from home. It was awesome and the most likely reason I have been slack with posting...oh the sleep ins! He went back about a week ago..it was sad but we knew it had to end.
  • Me: well I turned 30 *gasp* was feeling depressed about it but am ok with it now. Well what can you do hey?! Working lots, studying lots..had gastro AGAIN! Had an awesome dying day with good friends yesterday, dyed all sorts of cool stuff.
  • Biggest boy..same same. I do think *touches wood* that his behaviour has improved lately...I can almost reason with him. He's still a bossy britches and we did have a bad day today but I am really enjoying him at the moment. He is all sweet and cuddly, so nice!
  • Poor middle child. Gee she's tempestuous! A girl who knows what she wants and demands it! Will serve her well later. She too is a cuddly thing. So into girly stuff...pretty dresses, dollies. She has started kinder and is loving it! I wasn't sure how she'd cope but she asks everyday...is today tuesday? 
  • Little man...is one in a week *sob* Running around, claps his hands on demand..points at everything. Plays the 'ta' game..ta for you, ta for me..can go on for ages, lol! Is trying to cut down to one sleep a day..not well..second sleep at 4.30pm tonight and so was up for ages.
  • we are lucky enough to have MIL done for a visit. Kids are happy to have her here. My princess thinks she should live here!
  • Think that's about it...will try not to leave it so long, thanks for nagging Tammy! :P

1 comment:

Richard said...

Awesome update hun, I've been wondering what you have been up to.