Tuesday, December 2, 2008

more updating

A whole month *blushes* Don't know where my posting mojo has gone...I keep thinking 'oh I should blog this' and then forget about it.

Well the news...yes Nina you guessed correctly. Mark has a new job :D He starts on January 5, it's in the city so will save about 45 minutes each way in travelling time. Pretty good pay rise and something he's interested in, so very exciting :)

My big boy is very excited about school next year. Next week is the last of the term so last kinder and playgroup for him. I'm a bit sad about that but he seems ok although I don't think he really gets it.

The princess is also excited about school and very cranky that being only 3 means she doesn't get to go with her big brother!

Little one...not so little anymore! Running and climbing everywhere. And talking! he has a lot of words for 13 months. Mama, Daddy, Scaaaar (for his sister) Aba (his brother), Caaa (cat), bye, Ta, ama (booby). *touch wood* seems to have gotten rid of his dummy which is mightily early for my kids given the princess still has hers.

umm...what else...Christmas tree is up and bare as the kids keep taking everything off it.
I am finished study for the year and I think a disticntion or high distiction average, so happy with that!
We have FIL visiting at the moment. He leaves on Saturday and then we have MIL arriving for Christmas. Not long after that SIL and her family arrive with our kids only cousins. Should be a wonderful Christmas :) 

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