Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Not having a good run..

Ok so first I had that damn cold/ flu thing that just hung around and around...
Then Friday I was trimming all the fat off our roast lamb and skinned a deep flap off my right index finger. Probably should have gotten a stitch, it bled all night and I went through a tonne of bandaides. Eventually it was stemmed with steristrips which is likely what they would have done in hospy anyway.

Saturday morning I woke at 4am with a rumbly tummy....GASTRO!! Can you believe it?? None of the kids have it, not even Miss vomit-a-lotta or Mark who usually catches it if someone in the suburb has it. I *never* get it, usually am nursing everyone else through it and have only had it one other time since the kids were born. Just goes to show the good hygiene of a mother :P Got it from a very sweet innocent looking 4 month old. My own fault really, his family has all recovered recently from it and stupid me popped his dummy in not thinking to wash my hands after. Rule number one of nursing!

So enough bad health luck for one poor woman?? Ah no...would you believe it I have developed mastitis??!! First time ever on my 10 month old third child. I have been feeding for almost 5 years straight, never had anything like this. Came on like a steam train this afternoon after I spent the day ignoring a sore left boob (put it down to a feeding machine who hasn't let me have a decent nights sleep in a few weeks) and when Mark got home I felt like vomiting it was that painful. I finally smothered it in arnica, took some panadol, gritted my teeth and just fed him and funnily enough it is a little better. Still oh so sore and I feel like I have a achy flu but hoping we can manage it at home with feeding, poultices and probiotics. Oh and sleep, every search I've done says take your baby to bed for the day. Yeah right, this boy likes to feed whilst standing up so he can dance at the same time. And just discovered tonight while I was nearly passing out with the pain that it makes a really funny sound if he hits his forehead with mine in just the right spot. I'm just grateful he unlatched before attempting this feat, not sure my poor nipple would have survived being dragged to my forehead.

Anyway, my finger seems to be healing alright, got my wound expert friend to look at it today and she thinks more of the flap will take. The gastro was gone by Sunday although I was still feeling seedy and have missed out on about $600 as I haven't been permanent long enough for sick leave. And this mastitis...well GO AWAY!!!!
Please let this be the last thing!


Anonymous said...

While I feel so sorry for you I just laughed out loud reading the nipple to the forehead story....

Mastitis = stress....yep i had it too with L, never before....

Take Beldonna if you can and make fresh cream cheese with arnica wraps...it helped me a treat.

healing and healthy vibes to you!!

Richard said...

Oh hun, big big hugs...

I laughed in sympathy at the thought of the nipple being stretched up to the forehead. Savannah has recently started to pull away before pulling OFF. I'm not sure they're meant to stretch as far as I have seen mine go - youch!

And speaking of youchies, the finger, eep! Hope it all heals ok!!!

Sam said...

OMG I have never felt worse in my life!! On antibugs now and have slept all day. Oh and re lifted the flap on my finger trying to get my seatbelt back on! Blood everywhere....sigh...hope a little better for work tomorrow!

Richard said...

*hugs* Finger getting any better?

Sam said...

I'm all better now. Finger is healing too, thanks :)