My teeny baby was having a ball yesterday playing outside. The weather was horrid, it was bloooooooody cold but he just loves it! He was rugged up and even had the usual man tights on (best idea ever!) but of course got soaking wet with hands of ice anyway. It all ended with a big warm bath and booby of course.

For those who know us well...yes that is the pot of placenta he is playing in rofl! Should be well decomposed by now :P
Man tights? they are just normal tights aren't they? well here in winter everyone wears them (the kids that is) so if you need some.... i can supply.
I always missed them in OZ and impoted them.
Yup just normal tights. Never thought of it with Jab though. Do they have lots of cotton tights there? Having a hard time finding cotton ones in size 5. Would kill for woollen ones in 5 or 3 and have been unsuccessfully hunting for rainbow striped cotton ones for S. Hate the crappy poly k mart ones here! Might email you....
TIGHTS!!! That's what I can put on Savannah to keep her feet warm! I kept thinking 'why don't they make sox attached to stockings so they didn't always come off...' Never thought of tights!
Great to see kids outside even when it's cold! And getting wet no less, wahoo!
Is that an old wine barrel his playing in? I'm going to be using something similar outside our front door with a plant in it... they look so good!
It looks like he had an awesome time! Has it been cold over in Adelaide, Sam? He looks pretty rugged up (and gorgeous).
Yup Mel, it's a half wine barrel we filled with dirt and it has Atti's placenta in it. Going to plant a lemon tree in it for his birthday. Kids are always outside, even when it's awful. Best part of no TV in the house I think :)
Freeeeezing Nina! Cold down in town I think but frosty up here in the hills!
Cool, I've just won some wine barrels off Ebay, although I think they're 'fake' wine barrels hehe. Going to use one at the front door with one of those 'ball on a stick' looking trees.
I can't wait till we have more 'garden' and less 'mud' here so Savannah can go outside more. I don't mind her getting dirty - I mind the half an hour bath every time we need to come inside LOL!
We don't have freezing here - we have cyclone winds! Price you pay for moving into a new area: no trees = no wind breaks.
Ack! I hope it's not too cold at the coast! We're moving there in three weeks...
Can't wait :)
Ah thought it must be coming up! We'll have to have a catch up :) Hope the move goes smoothly!
Yes, I would love to catch up :) I'll keep in touch and let you know when we have settled. We move out next week - can't wait till it is all over and finished.
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