Friday, June 27, 2008

I drove a truck!!

Seriously! We bought load of timber decking through friends at a hugely discounted rate and they hired a truck to get it to their place. Mark drove it up to our house to get our share out and then it had to be returned at 2pm today to the hire place. Mark went to work I had to drive the bloody thing down the freeway to the other side of the city!! The kids thought it was most cool, Mummy driving off in a bloody huge truck. Now it wasn't one of those little moving vans or anything, it was huuuuge, no idea why they let someone with a drivers license drive it. Surely someone should have some training before driving a few tonne through a city?? Anyway, a few hairy moments, including a wrong turn off South road and a detour through the suburbs and accidently putting it in reverse rather than 1st gear at the lights (imagine how the guy behind me must have been shitting himself when he saw my reverse lights on, rofl!) but I did it! Even better, I did it all frocked up for Mark's midyear work lunch. Imagine the faces of the truckies on the freeway when this chick drives past in a truck putting on lipstick hahaha! It was quite amusing, I got a few chuckling smiles :P Pretty happy to never do it again tbth!

Lunch was nice, thanks to jacobs australia. Have to say the Norwood hotel service sucked and the food was very average despite the inflated prices, lucky I wasn't paying! I could have done a better job myself!! But was nice to go out with the three monsters safely at home with Grandma. Really must do it again sometime, our 6th Wedding anniversary is in 2 short weeks. Thanks Mum!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

not so perfect...

Warning Maureen, there may be swear words :P

Funny story...well to start with. Mark was talking breastfeeding with a couple of guys from work today. One guy was saying how one of his daughters or daughter in laws was still feeding her 4 year old and the other daughter or IL never fed any of her kids. The other guy pipes up with how selfish the second one is and how good it is to BF. I was pretty impressed with the story, given both men were in their 50's. And that Mark's contribution to the story was that the WHO recommends 2 years etc. I ask him smugly if he bragged about my efforts with the older kids, thinking I already know the answer and he says 'but you only fed J for 18 months!'. (My highlight not his)
Oh my fucking god!!!.... He still has no idea why I was in tears. Fuck me if I can get it right. I got so much crap for feeding my older boy with the mainstream circles I hung with at the time. While I am proud of my breastfeeding efforts I have always felt like a crap mother to my biggest one. My 'experiment'. I really was pretty crap at this job when he was little, but I can truly say I did the best I knew at the time. I still struggle with him bigtime and this was on top of a day I'm not particularly proud of. By the way TWO AND A HALF YEARS was how long he was breastfed!!! NOT 18 months. Another thing I am majorly pissed about. My husband didn't even know how long I fed our child for!!! Anyway despite I suspect him not really knowing why, he has apologised. It's all got me thinking because it's hit a sore point for some reason. I think I need to spend some time with my big boy, I really miss him and I'm sick of being angry with him and just yelling all the time. Maybe kinder and daycare are too much for him? I think I forget all the time that even though he is my oldest he is still only 4 years old. So all in all maybe a good thing, a wake up call..... Still pissed off that he doesn't know how long I fed him for. In fact he missed a WHOLE damn year of booby goodness that he thinks I deprived him of!
So I'd like to your husbands/ partners know how long your kids were breastfed for?

well educated

My princess is currently expressing some milk for her dolly cause she's going to work 'this afternoon'. Sadly she's already fed her baby from a bottle although she did assure me that it was expressed breast milk and not artificial milk haha! Before this my big boy was expressing too but stopped as soon as he noticed me watching...well I guess he needed privacy to get the milk flowing :P His expressing was 'cause the baby is going to childcare today'
So cute!


Jasper 'is my leg made of chicken?'

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Well has been a long week. I had planned to put up heaps of photos but..well I am slack and have to resize them.
So... the news in short....

Very sadly we decided the week before last to re-home our lovely (although simple :P) Dalmatian, George. It was a very hard decision although something we have been considering for several years. We just don't have the time to give him and being a large friendly dog he needed lots of playing and exercise. We actually paid about $400 a few years back to get the bark busters guy out and it did help his behaviour but he was still bored. And with his huge interest in destroying the chicken coop he was spending 23 hours a day locked in a carport. So after lots of tears we decided to find him another home. The family that have taken him plan to take him camping and have him sleep on their bed so I know he will be much happier. Although apparently he dug up all their pot plants so he hasn't changed! We miss him but I am totally sure we made the right decision.

This was the photo I took to send to the family that took him. It all happened very quickly and he was gone when I got back from work that night :(

Next night Saturday was our housewarming get together :) We had a lovely time and our house was thoroughly warmed! Big thankyou to all my friends for making the trek up to freezing Mount Barker and not all leaving after my lovely daughter started vomiting, lol! It was also Michelle's 30th the day before so we all had yummy cake :)

We got up the next morning to find that one of our chooks had died :( No idea what happened, a guess is that she choked to death on the out of date cashews we gave them the night before, lol! A friend joked that had we known the night before we had a dead chook stuffed with cashews we could have chucked her on the fire :P After much debate Mark finally sought the advice of our friend Peter and the chook made her way onto the compost. Turned out great timing George had moved on, could have been quite messy!
Here are the sad leftover chooks (frankly they didn't seem to give a shit, hahaha!) and the dead chooks final resting place...

Same day, Mark showing the safest way to prune the apple tree... The big monster watched on with great interest..just waiting for him to try!

Backdating a bit to Saturday night and the princess's 'bomit' as she'd say... Didn't think she was that well when she had a day sleep late in the afternoon and was then mega clingy despite having friend's there. The little guy also slept for 3 hours!! in a row!! which was unprecedented! Anyway, next morning they both had high fevers so I called in sick and spend the day boobing. The little guy's fever was over 40 degrees for 2 days and as bit worrying. Pretty sure they both just had a virus, the princess was better Monday although lethargic and the little one's fever finally broke Tuesday morning with no other symptoms. Had to go to the GP for certificates for both of us for work resulting in no answers but of course a dig about their unvaccinated status. All fine now but was awful to see them unwell..

Rest of the week quite uneventful thankfully!
We spend today marking the winter solstice and planted some seeds and planted out our potted chilli to 'welcome back the sun'. Our big monster wanted to yell out 'come back sun!!' although suggested he didn't need to yell, it might just be what confirms to the neighbours we are in fact all nuts :P We had a yummy roast lamb from one of Dad's flock that we put on too late so the kids missed it and ate cheese sandwiches. They did get to eat some cake they helped bake with ice cream.
That is about it!! Good thinks coming, MIL arrives in a couple of weeks for a months visit for the princess's 3rd birthday. And Mark is going to work from home for a few weeks from July 1 so big savings on petrol and sleep ins for me, woohoo!! Mum is probably hanging out for both so she gets break from baby sitting duty :P

Happy winter solstice to all :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

what a hero!

Well at the risk of being labelled a suck up I am yet again praising my awesome husband! Starting my new job yesterday meant that he had all three kids both Saturday AND Sunday evenings from 12ish until around 10pm. Saturday included getting all three kids and himself out of the pool at swimming lessons and everyone dressed. Apparently the princess did the nudey run out of the change rooms prompting Mark to have to do the nudey run to collect her haha! Then the challenging time of dinner preparation, dinner bath and bed all alone. Sounds easy enough for those who put their kids in their rooms and close the doors but all three of ours require parenting to sleep and the littlest guy is most often breast fed to sleep. But he was up to the task. When I got home Saturday evening he was still slinging the little one but the other two were asleep in their own beds. Saturday night I got home to ALL children in bed!!
And to totally glorify him..... I have slept until at least 9am for the last 3 days!!! Rest assured the kids have been up, usually before 6am but I haven't heard them! I did reward him with a sleep today for a few hours :)
He still doesn't read my blog so don't worry his head won't get too big :P

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Argh, blogger is not liking me this morning!! I just lost another post....

Anyway, we have chooks! Mark finished the chook pen on Sunday so we drove to birdwood to visit the bird lady. We got 4 ummm brown chickens? (sorry Peter that's as descriptive as I get :P ) for $15 each. They are between 6-6.5 months old and apparently just coming on to laying although she warned us they might take a few weeks to restart after the trauma of becoming part of our family, lol! So far nothing but they are scratching up a storm which is what we bought them for really. The kids love them after some hairy moment coming home. Jasper was a liiiittle freaked out by the scratching in the boot (they were in a box, not freeranging in the boot or anything :P). The stupid dalmatian has barely made it out of the carport, as soon as he comes out he rounds around the pen barking madly and pulling at the wire. He actually broke through the wire yesterday so not sure what we are going to do with him!

Yesterday was an awful day, still thick fog at midday still. After spending the day inside I threw the kids out at about 2pm, they were going insane! Finally took some photos...

Yes in the last one you can see my little guy is standing without holding on, has his balance quite sorted now. Cruising the furniture and walking from chair to table...won't be long and he'll be taking his first steps! Yes he is 7 months old, insane!
In fact as I type he is trying to open the shower door where the big monsters are showering and getting mightily cranky that they won't let him in (fully clothed, I'm quite happy with their refusal!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My poor bruised little guy

And a mountain of washing. He is forever falling and cracking that head. If actually woke with that scratch.... No idea where it came from!

Monday, June 2, 2008

teeth and other stuff

The little guy finally has some :D Two bottom teeth finally broke the gum Saturday morning after weeks of threatening. Nothing to really see yet, I can feel them on my nipple though when the little toad bites! Will take photos when they actually show though. Little teeth are so cute but I'll miss my gummy boy too.

We got a call from the local waldorf school asking if we still want Jasper's place! It was a missed call on Mark's mobile so I'll have to talk to them but so exciting that it's coming up soon. My big monster had a great day at 4 year old kinder today, he goes to a waldorf one in a house, perfect for his sometimes anxious personality (wonder where he got that from???!!! and I don't mean me :P). Apparently he got talked into playing Mummies and Daddies with a little girl there, lol! It was ok he said since the Daddy just goes to work anyway. Hmm.... his future partner won't thank us for that assumption! The theme continued after we got home this afternoon. He was very worried about Buzz lightening (yes a great waldorf toy grr.. ) after he fell from the pram and recognised that he would need booby to fix him up, hence he got thrown over to the princess. Very cute :) She refused, patted him on the head and said 'you are ok Buzz!' hahaha!

The princess and I had a great day too, we walked to the shop so I had some exercise to tell calorie king about which was good. She threw a few wobblies for juice which meant a few rushed trips to the toilet and one squat at a tree. She is such a lady :P

Welcome little one!

Lovely Tammy birthed a beautiful baby girl yesterday morning in a blow up pool in her bedroom. Marley Juno made a speedy entry before the midwife arrived :)
Massive congratulations to Tammy, Matt, Conor, Ashton and Maximus :D

I am going to meet Marley with lemon meringue pie for her Mama and will have to take lots of photos!
Well done Tammy, you are a true birthing goddess!